Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saturday Morning Fun!!

We were playing with Miss Scarlett when all of a sudden she made a b-line for the kitchen! It was so funny to watch, she was going so fast and would look back and at us grin on her way! We realized she was going for the roll of paper towels that fell on the floor and thought we would see what she would do with them!! So funny of a little girl!!


  1. Too Cute. It's fun to see what kids will come up with.

  2. That's so funny! Sounds like every babies heaven! Fun to see you today! I'll call you soon!

  3. Who knew paper towels could be so fun! What a cutie. I'm coming down in a couple weeks - we should get together!

  4. She's so tiny it's funny to see her lost in that roll of paper cute!
