Saturday, September 15, 2007

She Looks like she should SLEEP

Scarlett has been having some sleep trouble the past couple of weeks. She seems to think she is better than sleep and therefore does not need as such of it. We are lucky if she has a three hour stretch at some period the night!! I go to bed hoping this will be the night I get four hours in a row! Funny how your sleep standards get so lowered after having a baby!! I took these pictures of her tonight because she was looking like a tired angle in her PJs. She had the apperance of sleep I gave her the speech grandma gives her...okay Scarlett, its dark outside, you need to sleep all night until it is light outside, then you can get up. I let you know how it goes, I don't have my fingers crossed!!


  1. Oh the little doll does look really sleepy, hopefully she figure something out for you :)

  2. Lily has been sleeping well at nights for me, but doesn't take naps at all during the day. Even though she is exhausted. Don't ask me how a 6 month old can go all day with out a nap, but she does. Scarlett does look sweet though.
