Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Baby Zoe

Here she is!! 
Zoe was born on Sept.  8ths at 4:45 pm! 
She was 7lbs 3oz and 20 inches long
She is a starving little girl and eats around the clock! She seems to be so peaceful and content! We are so glad she is here and healthy. 


  1. Such a pretty baby. I think she's pretty darn fabulas!! Can't wait to see you Baby Zoe

  2. She is beautiful! So glad she's here and healthy! Can't wait to see you guys!

  3. UMMMMMMMM MORE PICTURES PLEASE! Okay...the CA auntie needs to see more Baby Zoe...thanks!!

  4. Just wanted to sneak in to tell you CONGRATULATIONS- she is beautiful, of course. You are going to be a good momma of two beautiful girls!

  5. She is a cutie pie. Glad she is here and healthy. Hope mommy is doing well too.

  6. Oh my gosh! She is so pretty you guys! I have been so out of touch with blogging that I just checked in to see how everything was and now there are two!!!!! Congrats you guys I'll give you a buzz this week!!!

  7. Congratulations! She is so precious!

  8. Oh my goodness! I can't believe that she is already here! She is huge! She doesn't even look like a newborn! I love her! What a cutie!

  9. Congratulations! What a sweet pink bundle! I am glad to hear she is such a god baby.. I am so happy for you all! Smiles all around sweet lady!

  10. Beautiful baby Zoe. How fun to have pictures....we think we need to see more though. Dil and Rae think she is just as precious as we do.

    Love you all
