Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cereal Junkies

Seth and Scarlett share a bowl of cereal at some part of every day. I guess it is father daughter bonding!! Scarletts favorite part is drinking the mil out of the bowl when all the cereal is gone it is so funny to watch, I finally got some pictures!


  1. That's too cute! I love that she drinks the leftover milk.
    And your little baby girl does look perfect - I love the name Zoe!

  2. Yea! You live! =) Isn't it funny how kids will eat out of your bowl or off your plate, but put the same thing in front of them on their plate, and they won't touch it! =) I guess it's good bonding though, right! Zoe looks beautiful. Can't wait to meet her!

  3. that's so cute! she is getting so big Rach! how're you feeling?

  4. That's cute that they share a bowl of cereal. How are you feeling?

  5. This is so funny! I don't know what it is about cereal, but Paul and the kids are big fans too! Too cute!
